
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.


  1. JSS
    Finding associations between natural and computer languages: A case-study of bilingual LDA applied to the bleeping computer forum posts
    Kundi Yao, Gustavo A. Oliva, Ahmed E. Hassan, and 3 more authors
    Journal of Systems and Software, 2023


  1. SANER
    Mining Software Information Sites to Recommend Cross-Language Analogical Libraries
    Kawser Wazed Nafi, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Banani Roy, and 2 more authors
  2. TSE
    A Study of Bug Management Using the Stack Exchange Question and Answering Platform
    Aaditya Bhatia, Shaowei Wang, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022


  1. ICSE
    COSTER: A Tool for Finding Fully Qualified Names of API Elements in Online Code Snippets
    C M Khaled Saifullah, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and Chanchal K. Roy


  1. SANER
    Exploring Type Inference Techniques of Dynamically Typed Languages
    C. M. Khaled Saifullah, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and Chanchal K. Roy
  2. EMSE
    CAPS: a supervised technique for classifying Stack Overflow posts concerning API issues
    Md Ahasanuzzaman, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, and 1 more author


  1. ASE
    Learning from Examples to Find Fully Qualified Names of API Elements in Code Snippets
    C M Khaled Saifullah, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and Chanchal K. Roy


  1. SANER
    Classifying stack overflow posts on API issues
    Md Ahasanuzzaman, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, and 1 more author


  1. ICSME
    Recommending Framework Extension Examples
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
  2. ASE
    FEMIR: A tool for recommending framework extension examples
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    Oct 2017


  1. J. Softw. E. P.
    A Simple, Efficient, Context-Sensitive Approach for Code Completion
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    J. Softw. Evol. Process, Jul 2016
  2. MSR
    How Developers Use Exception Handling in Java?
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Muhammad Ahasanuzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, and 1 more author
    May 2016


  1. ICSME
    Exploring API method parameter recommendations
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Samiul Monir, and 1 more author
    Sep 2015
  2. ICSME
    PARC: Recommending API methods parameters
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
    Sep 2015


  1. ICSME
    CSCC: Simple, Efficient, Context Sensitive Code Completion
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    Sep 2014
  2. ICSME
    Context-Sensitive Code Completion Tool for Better API Usability
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Sep 2014


  1. ICSME
    LHDiff: A Language-Independent Hybrid Approach for Tracking Source Code Lines
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    Sep 2013
  2. ICSME
    LHDiff: Tracking Source Code Lines to Support Software Maintenance Activities
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, and 1 more author
    Sep 2013
  3. MSR
    Answering questions about unanswered questions of Stack Overflow
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Ahmed Shah Mashiyat, Chanchal K. Roy, and 1 more author
    May 2013


  1. MSR
    Bug introducing changes: A case study with Android
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Michael C. Bullock, Chanchal K. Roy, and 1 more author
    Jun 2012


  1. IWSC
    VisCad: Flexible Code Clone Analysis Support for NiCad
    Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy, and Kevin A. Schneider
    In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Clones, Jun 2011
    Analyzing and Forecasting Near-Miss Clones in Evolving Software: An Empirical Study
    Minhaz F. Zibran, Ripon K. Saha, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, and 1 more author
    In 2011 16th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Apr 2011


  1. SCAM
    Evaluating Code Clone Genealogies at Release Level: An Empirical Study
    Ripon K. Saha, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Minhaz F. Zibran, and 2 more authors
    In 2010 10th IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Sep 2010